Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bear Encounter

So here is the bear story, in it's truth.

Wednesday night, Todd and I got home from playing ultimate and it was starting to get dark. LoriLee came home just after us and told us that she had just seen a bear a couple blocks away from our apartment. Todd and I look at each other and both know that we couldn't pass up this opportunity for some bear hunting. So we hopped on the scooter, and rode towards where LoriLee said she saw it. It wasn't long before we found it crossing the street right in front of us! It walked into an alley that connected two streets, so we went around the block and rode by it as it was coming out of the alley. It just kind of cocked it's head and looked at us as we drove past. 
They say the bears here are very adapted to people, so I thought it just didn't think much of us. So then, we realized the gopro memory card was full, so we hadn't gotten footage. We stopped for a minute and deleted everything on it. Then, we spotted the bear walking down the sidewalk and into a gated area of a church right across the street from our apartment. Now that the gopro was ready to go, we had to get some footage of it. So, we slowly started riding the scooter by the entrance to the church, and this time he didn't just cock his head at us... He BOLTED out of the fence and started chasing us!!! We booked it through a stop sign and turned at the next block, and it ran after us almost until we turned. So then we came around the block, and found what we thought was a safe place and camped out until we knew it was safe to go back inside. We saw it go in an alley behind our apartment complex, and it wasn't coming out, so we figured we would be alright. 
Now, here comes the worst part of the story. Our gopro died RIGHT before the bear started running after us!! Talk about bad luck!! I've been joking that it's Heavenly Father telling us that we need to go bear hunting again. But really, I think we've had a close enough encounter to last us quite a while :)
So that's the story! Todd posted a picture on facebook of the bear... if you didn't know, that's a complete lie. It was a black bear and it didn't growl at us. But is WAS a really big black bear... probably at least 4 feet tall, and FAT! 

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