Monday, December 15, 2014

GRAD SCHOOL! && 18 weeks-Coming up with some names...

Before I ramble off some uninteresting updates about the babe, I thought I'd share our wonderful news!! Todd got accepted to a Physician Assistant program at New York Institute of Technology!

Last Monday night, Todd hopped on a red eye flight to NYC in order to go to his interview at NYIT. He arrived around 10am and had quite the adventure out there with a big storm rolling through and some other drama trying to find his rental car. That day, after getting his car, he checked out the campus a little to scope out where the interview would be, and then spent the rest of the time at his hotel. We were so sad that the weather was so horrible, so he didn't get to sight see or anything at all :(. The next day, he interviewed and went straight back to the airport because he had already checked out of his hotel. Sadly, the interview ended at 12, and the flight wasn't until 6:30pm. To add to his misfortune, the internet didn't even have free wifi. I felt so horrible! Then, whilst at the airport, Todd kept getting informed about delays and gate changes. After 5 gate changes, they finally boarded the plane around 10pm. THEN, the plane had to be de-iced (or washed or something) and they were waiting around, SITTING on the plane for another hour and a half before they took off. The flight ended up not even getting in until 1am Vegas time (4 am NYC time). My poor hubby endured quite the exhausting trip!

Lucky for us, I didn't work the following morning, and Todd had asked for the day off. We got to spend the morning sleeping in and relaxing. Thank goodness! It felt like just after talking about his interview, and how poorly he felt it went, Todd received an email. It was from the director of the PA program at the school, offering him a seat in the program! Whaaaat???? Almost exactly 24 hours after interviewing, he got a seat. Seriously, a Christmas miracle! 

So now, this is the decision we face. This school is very reputable and has many incredible resources! It is also on Long Island, so living expenses will be very steep. The cost of tuition is also significantly higher than other PA programs. The program lasts 3 years, while many others last 2. So we could potentially wait a year, and hope to get into a 2 year program next year. This would potentially save us a lot of money on living costs and tuition. However, this is, so far, his only guaranteed seat. If we were to give it up, there's no guarantee for next year. It is also a very very good school, and Todd feels he will do very well there. For now we're going to pay the deposit in order to hold his seat. We also have a little bit of hope for St. Francis University, because he is on the wait list for that school. There is still a chance that he will be offered a spot there later on. So those are the updates! It's just such a relief (and a miracle) that he actually made it in! Only being able to apply to 4 schools (because of prerequisites and requirements), meant that it was near impossible for him to get in this year. I'm just overwhelmed with joy and pride for my amazing husband for succeeding and beating the odds!

On a different note....

Sunday marked 18 weeks along in the pregnancy! That makes the boy the size of a bell pepper, and weighing approximately 7 ounces. I look down at my stomach and say to myself (and Todd... almost every day...) "How does this little boy fit in there???"

I don't know if this is TMI, so stop reading if you're faint of heart. I have what's called a retroverted uterus, which just means my uterus curves towards my back instead of towards my stomach. This is a big part of the reason I haven't been showing that much, because he's still tucked away towards my back. As he gets bigger though, he'll fill in where there's room to grow, so it's only a matter of time. 

Sadly, this also means that I haven't been able to feel any movement yet! I keep reading that a lot of women start feeling their babies move around this time. Also, other women I know who are as far along as I am have felt their babies. I feel so left out because I haven't felt a thing! 

So here are some of the latest pics. I was comparing my belly bump from 16 weeks to 18 weeks, and it is exactly the same... if not smaller in 18 weeks. Lame sauce. Here are my 16 and 18 week photos.

So maaayyybbe a little bit of growth, but not a whole lot. I have also realized that the pics are a liiiittle deceptive, because the shirt is so tight, and I take it at the right angle. At 16 weeks, just for comparison sake, I also took a picture in a normal clothes to show what I look like to everyone I interact with. I've had plenty of people sooo surprised by how I'm "not showing at all" yet! 
I'm trying to be grateful for this time of not being huge, but I am getting more and more excited (and impatient) just to feel the little guy! That's really all I want at this point :) Aaaand maybe to get to wear cute maternity clothes.

Now that Todd and I finally know that we're having a boy, we've begun brainstorming names. At church the Sunday after we found out, we made a list on my phone of all of the names we liked... the list ended up having more than 50 names on it!! Oh boy! So after a couple of days we decided we would each take the list, and choose our top 25. Then we would compare our lists, and only consider ones that we both had. Turned out we both liked almost all of the same names, but with some discussion, we were able to narrow our list down to 13. So that's where we stand at the moment. We'll probably consider these ones for a little while.

I've really been wanting to go crazy buying all of the things we will need! The temptation has been real! In order to resist, I've found some things that I can make instead. That way it makes me feel productive that I am doing enough to prepare for the little guy. Way back when I was like 12ish weeks, I bought some baby fabric and made two baby blankets. One for a girl and one for a boy. 

I also made this little onesie... I mean, I decorated this little onesie. I had planned on making a bunch of different animals, but this one took forever to hand sew on. So I was content with just the giraffe :)

Last week I decided I wanted to attempt making some burp cloths. After some research, I figured it would be much cheaper to make than to buy, and I figure I can never have too many of those! I went and got two cute patterns I liked, and there ended up being enough for 12 burp cloths! So we'll be pretty much set I think :) 

Now I'm thinking my next project will be bibs... I can only handle very simple :)

That's about all I have for now! We are open to any baby name suggestions if you have some!

Friday, December 5, 2014

*Drumroll Please*

... We're having a...


 Obviously kidding... But I do really want this shirt!

Now in all seriousness, we went for our 16 week appointment and ultrasound yesterday! I asked for work off so we could have an afternoon appointment, and Todd was able to get off work early. It was so great because we had the whole afternoon to celebrate the good news. It was such an amazing experience, one I hope I'll never forget. 

So without any further adieu, the little bundle of joy that will be joining our family in May is...

a baby BOY!

After our wonderful appointment, Todd and I hit up the mall. We'd been planning on buying a little outfit to celebrate. We also got really lucky, because on Black Friday, some lady gave me a coupon/voucher for $20 off anything in JC Penny! We got to use that voucher to get the little man something nice... and we might have picked something else adorable out at Khol's too :). We just couldn't resist. 

So this is the first little outfit we bought at Khol's.
We mostly took this picture for my mom, because I had been torturing her by telling her that we knew, but I wouldn't tell her what it was yet. I wanted to wait until we found an outfit for the little guy. So I just sent her this pic without saying anything, and she got it right away. We ended up sending the same picture to Todd's parents, and they were confused what it meant (boy or girl). In their defense, gray is pretty neutral, but it made us chuckle that they couldn't guess it still.

After that failure of an announcement, we sent this picture to the rest of the family, thinking they'd for sure get it... 

We still got responses from confused family members, not sure if it meant it was a boy or a girl. Pretty funny! So I guess if it isn't blue, or doesn't say "boy" on it, maybe it's not that obvious :). So for our official announcement picture, we tried our best to make it pretty clear. But just in case the blue didn't give it away, I wrote on there what we're having too :).

So here are some pics I know all of you have been waiting to see... ;)

His little face :)
He is so squished in there! Doesn't look too comfy to me
And of course... The classic ultrasound picture!

Looking at his little face just makes me so happy!

Now that we know we're having a boy, and now that he looks so much more like an actual baby instead of a gummy bear, it's really starting to sink in. We can't wait to meet the little guy, and spoil the heck out of him. I also can't wait to see Todd with his little mini-me, it just melts my heart to think about!