Saturday, May 9, 2015

Ryker's Birth Story

Remember my last post, where I was so excited that our baby boy was due in only three weeks? Well little did I know, he was only 6 days away. For those of you who don't know the story, and many of you don't, here it goes.

Last Thursday, I had my usual weekly check-up at my OB. My doc checked for dilation, and I was just 1-2 cm dilated... Which really doesn't mean much at that point in the pregnancy. Then he measured my belly. Every other week I'm told that I measure perfectly, but this time he said I was measuring a little small. I wasn't that surprised, cause I had been small the whole pregnancy. I was more surprised that that was the first time that the measurement showed it. So the doc had me wait a few minutes to have the babe checked out via ultrasound. The ultrasound showed that he was okay, but that there was hardly any amniotic fluid. So the doc came back in and let us know that I'd have to have the baby THAT DAY!! Talk about a shocker!! And it didn't really hit me for a long time that I was actually going to have the baby. I don't think it hit me until I started pushing.

So we left the doctors office around 10am, and we're at the hospital by 11am. They started me on pitocin around noon, and then it was a waiting game. The nurse would come in every now and again to check me for dilation. Sometime around 7:30, I was still just 4cm dilated. The nurse brought in this weird peanut shaped yoga ball, and stuck it between my legs. Then, just an hour and a half later, I was fully dilated!! It was perfect timing too cause right at that moment, my mom had walked in the room. She flew out as soon as she heard that we were having the baby that day. So the nurse said we would wait an hour, and then the pushing would start. I started pushing at 10, and little man arrived at 11:31 pm. So technically that means 11.5 hours of labor. But let me just say... I was a huge fan of the epidural. It kept me very calm, and not stressed about the pain that would ensue. It let me focus on the task at hand and relax until it was time to push.

Once he came out, I couldn't believe it. I felt such relief that I did it; I pushed that little guy out! It was also just such a miracle to be able to witness and be a part of. It's not necessarily a "fun" experience, but it was sure a magical one.

So, because Ryker had likely been low on amniotic fluid for a little while, he was very skinny considering his gestational age. He came out weight only 5lb 13oz, but he measured a very typical 19in. He's already just like his daddy. Tall and skinny 😊.

One really stressful aspect of the whole experience, was we still hadn't chosen a name yet! In the hospital, we were able to narrow it down to 3 names. Then, we picked a middle name for each first name. At first, I didn't really like Ryker as much as the other two names. But then, I wrote out the full names, and loved how Ryker Joseph looked and sounded. Todd really liked it too. We had tentatively decided on that name. Then, before pushing started, Todd said a little prayer, and called him Ryker. I became overwhelmed with love and emotion in that moment, and just knew it was right. Now, I can't imagine him being anything but a Ryker.

So the past week has been a whirlwind. Has anyone ever told you how exhausting it is to have a newborn?? I guess I thought that I would have to feed him every 3 hours, but that I would get to sleep in between. Never really realized that newborns want to be held constantly! Days and nights have been full of sweet and precious moments, but boy, are we wiped!! Thank goodness for Ryker's amazing daddy. I would probably have died by now of exhaustion and anxiety by now if it weren't for him. It is so special to watch Todd as a daddy, and to see how much little Ryker has stolen his heart. I just love my little family. I've been so very blessed.

There have been so many miracles involved in the birth of this little guy. And I know that we'll be seeing many more. I would write about some of these miracles now, but as I type, little Ryker is sleeping on my arm. I think I'll save those stories for my next post, and go cuddle with my little boy. I will bid you adieu with a few pictures and by saying that our Heavenly Father loves us. He is so involved and so aware of our needs and He will protect us. I am so grateful that He knows what is best for me, even when I have no idea. I am so filled with gratitude and love, and I couldn't be any happier.

My family <3
I love his wrinkly little forehead

After his first bath

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