In case you didn't catch the announcement on facebook...
Todd and I are expecting a little nugget!!!! He or she will be arriving around mid-May, and we are beyond excited! I am currently 13 weeks pregnant, and it has been beyond difficult to keep this a secret for so long! Todd and I have been waiting so long to be able to start our family, and have just wanted to tell the world now that it's finally here.
Just for a little background on this picture, I set a timer on the camera and told Todd the news when it was about to take the picture. The three pictures on the right comprise of his reaction to the happy news. The big picture on the left is of us holding the onesie I bought for him that says "Daddy's great catch."
Last week we sent little packages to my family, and then went up to Utah on the weekend to tell Todd's family. It was such a happy time to be able to share our happy news with our loved ones and celebrate! I'll probably share some videos and pics of everyone's reactions in my next post.
To update everyone on life lately... Todd and I have been faced with some very big decisions that we're going to have to make very quickly. First being the fact that we're in a little bit of a pickle since our apartment contract is over in March, but the baby is due in May.
To add to this predicament, since we won't know if Todd will have gotten into PA school before January, he's going to have to enroll in a couple of science classes to be able to apply to more schools next year (in case he doesn't get in). The school semester also ends in May, so we'd be stuck here until the semester is over. But if we stay, we'd have to pay month-to-month which can get pricey. We would also have to move almost immediately after the baby is born.
We've started to explore the option of moving to Utah in January and taking classes/working there. We'd first have to see if Todd could get transferred to a Biomat in Utah, and he would have to enroll in school up there immediately.
To make this decision even more impossible, I just got offered a full-time teaching position at a private high school. I would be able to finish out the school-year because it ends right before the baby is due. However... I'd also be working right up until the baby is born... which doesn't sound too fun. It is a really great opportunity to work at a great school and would help us save a bunch of money for little baby Brooks. But then that makes the months of April/May very very stressful with so much going on at the same time.
We are kind of leaning in one direction right now, but need to make sure a few things will work out first. We just want to do what's best for our baby and his/her future.
That's about all I have to update on right now, but am sure I'll be posting lots and lots of updates about the pregnancy, so beware. We find out the gender in 4 weeks and CANNOT WAIT! We want to start shopping but it's so hard without knowing if it's a boy or girl. I'm also super excited to be able to stop calling our baby "he/she" or even worse... "it." Sounds horrible. Just makes things a little more real and personal :)
As usual, I will leave you with some pics of our trip to Utah. We got to go on a hike with Todd's dad to the upper Silver Lake (I think that's what it's called). We didn't really know how long the hike was, but the sign when we got up there said "3.7 miles." We didn't know if that was each way or round trip... guess what it was? Yep! It was each way! So we ended up hiking almost 7 and a half miles, and I about died. It was just pretty steep on the way up, and I kept getting super light-headed. Can I blame pregnancy for that one? But we made it! No one passed out and we enjoyed a beautiful view at the top. Here are a few pics from our journey :)
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These guys are so cute in their matching outfits. You can hardly tell them apart!![]()
This is so precious! I am so excited for you two! I recommend a code name for Baby Brooks so that you don't have to do the whole he/she/it thing (even if there are only four more weeks until you find out). Henry's code name was Baby Magneto. Anyway, we love you and couldn't be happier for you!