I can't believe that the last time I updated was close to Christmas! Sorry guys, but it turns out I'm not so good at this blogging thing. I decided it's not as fun to play catch up and update super quickly about everything that has happened, than it is to tell one little story at a time. So, sorry about that. Today will be a little catch up, but I'm going to try to stay on top of this blogging thing.
So since our last post, we finished our last two semesters at college! Hallelujah! It doesn't feel real to me that we're done forever. Technically, neither of us have received our diplomas yet, because Todd still has to do his internship, and I still have to student teach. As far as coursework goes though, we are finished!
Since we finished school, and Todd's internship wouldn't start until the start of September, so we decided to save a little money and move out of our apartment in Rexburg. Todd's parents are amazing, and came up with their trailer to help us move stuff down to Utah. When we move out to Oklahoma, all we plan on taking will fit in our little car (plus the trailer with the bike on it).

So we bought this cute little trailer because a moving van out to Oklahoma costs like $500 each way (and that's one of the cheapest ones). Renting a trailer would cost around $250 each way. We needed something to get the bike there. We figured since we will only be in Oklahoma for 3 months, we don't need to bring all of our furniture and stuff. So instead, we spent a mere $300 on this baby, and it's ours for good! Todd also just spent the last few weeks fixing it up. He put a new deck on it, and repainted everything. At the moment, we're trying to figure out a way to put sides up. It looks so good though, I wish I had a picture!
Very beginning of this month, I had the wonderful opportunity to go to Australia and visit the family that I nannied for 3 years ago. Since my stepdad is a pilot, it would only cost $50 each way. Sadly, it was going to cost around $700 each way for Todd to come (which is cheaper than a ticket, but too expensive for us to afford). At first I refused to go without him, but he convinced me that I needed to take advantage of the opportunity while I still can. So I left on July 31st and came back August 15th. It was sooooo hard to be away from Todd for that long! That's the longest we've been apart since we got married! But it was really great to see everyone again, especially Nicci, Adam and their adorable little girls. It is amazing how grown up they are now! It was also cool because Marvin (my step daddy) flew in for one of his trips, and we got to spend a whole day together in Sydney!
Look how big they are! |
With my two favorite girls! |
I love these ladies! |
Got to hike up at the Blue Mountains with old friends and new! |
In Sydney with Marvino :) |
After I got back, Todd and I wasted no time and took off for Vegas! We went down there to apartment shop, because that is where I will be student teaching after Todd's internship. We have narrowed it down to five, but three of those five are all the same owner, so they all look the same. So really, we have it narrowed down to three. The one we pick will largely depend on the price at the time we need to sign the contract.
These apartments are definitely the cheapest of the 3 (at the moment). They're still very nice for the price though, and we like how homey it felt. |
This one is Firenze, which is one of the three Ovation apartments that we are considering.
The other two are Verona and Arzano, but they look really similar.
This is the apartment that our friends Kelli and Rod live in. We love the lighting in here, and how open it is. It's also just a really nice, clean apartment. |
These apartments have been our favorite even before we got to tour them. And trust me, they are even better in person than in the pictures! This complex is also really nice because they have much more security than any of the other complexes, which is really nice. These apartments were the most expensive for sure, but we are hoping prices will go down by January. |
So where we will be living is still up in the air, but we do want to get something nice since we will likely be staying in Vegas for a little while while Todd takes prerequisites for PA school. There is also a PA school in Vegas that we are looking into, so we may actually stay for that as well. We will keep you posted what happens though.
So after we went to Vegas, we took off for Zion National Park! I don't have much to say other than it was gorgeous down there, and we got some awesome pictures. Check it out :)
This was Angel's Landing. Part of the hike was climbing up this narrow ridge with a 1400ft drop off on either side. It was pretty intense! |
At the top of Angel's Landing! |
Hiking the Narrows |
The Narrows again :) So cool! |
So before we left for Zion, we invested in some Chaco's! We knew they would be great for the Narrows, and... they're just awesome. We also found out that Chaco has a picture contest that is going on right now, and they pick winners who get free chacos and some other sweet prizes! Our whole trip, we made it a focus to try to take an award winning photo. How cool would that be if we won?!? There is no limit to the number of pictures you can submit, so we've submitted like 20 so far. Here is a sample :)

Well, that is about it for this update. We're off to Oklahoma soon, and can't wait because Summer and Chris are out there with their adorable new baby girl Scarlett. We can't wait to meet her, and get to spend lots of time with Summer and Chris! It's going to be awesome!
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