*cool points if you caught that quote^^*
As most of you are aware... March Madness is going on right now! I followed zero of the regular season, but still had to make a bracket. I was feeling like my bracket would fail miserably (since I didn't know any of the teams), so I decided to take the mathematician's approach (go ahead... call me a nerd). I researched and recorded each team's stats for the season, then weighted each category separately: points scored 40%, free throws 15%, rebounds 20%, turnovers 25%. Using these weights, I calculated a fantasy score for each team, and chose my winners purely based on those scores. Here's a look at how my bracket turned out.
I was actually pretty mad that Gonzaga would end up being the winners, but they had the best stats for the season. I'll end up being okay with it if they win... but I kinda doubt they will. I was pretty excited because after the first day of games (yesterday), I only got 3 wrong. I had even predicted the huge Georgia St. upset. However, today I'm doing much worse. I haven't checked my score recently, but I think it's around 20 or 21. What's even worse, is my original bracket that I made in like 2 seconds is doing just as well! Lame!
Now that I've completely lost half of you due to my March Madness rambling... time to move on... to... BABY! So the last few weeks, when I lie on my back (yes.... I know that it's a huge no no... but it's the only way that my upper back and shoulders feel relaxed and not sore), baby boy will start doing somersaults and crazy stuff!! I've been trying to catch it on video, just because I think it's so crazy and so cool! Watching him dance around is probably my #1 favorite thing to do. The videos aren't as crazy as he can get, but they give you an idea.
Tonight, Todd is out camping with the scout for a campout. One of the main reasons why I'm writing right now :). I feel so lame and helpless when he isn't here. I don't know what I would do without him... seriously. He's been so great especially during the pregnancy. I complain every day about every little ache and pain, and he's not only done so much to try to make sure I'm as comfortable as possible, but he hasn't complained once about anything. He is a saint, and I am so so lucky to have such a loving, caring husband. Our little boy is pretty darn lucky too :). So back to the topic of him being away tonight. I'm lame, and missing him, so I decided to stalk him on Find My Friends. Guess where it showed me that he was!

Yep! That's right. In the middle of the Colorado River! Luckily I refreshed it a few times before really panicking, and he eventually popped up safely on the shore. I hadn't heard from him in a while though, so a part of me still worried. I can't wait till he gets home, safe and sound :)
The only other update I really have is that we move a week from Monday! Todd and I each have 5 days of work left! I never thought I'd make it to this point, but I feel like I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! Work has been really taking a toll on me physically, and a toll on Todd mentally, so we're sooooooooooo excited to be done! Also, since we only have about a week left, we've finally started to get some more things packed up. Today while Todd was at work, my friend Alexa came over to help me pack. Thanks to her, we got almost the entire kitchen packed up, which is one of the most time consuming rooms to get packed up. Now we basically have to throw our clothes into suitcases and boxes, and we'll be good to go!
So that's all folks! I'll be posting a belly pic next week :) PS.... I'm still pretty small for how far along I am. Without fail, every time I tell someone how far along I am, they'll be super shocked. I almost feel like half of them don't believe me, haha!