Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A Little Taste

So today has been a pretty great day. It's been so great because Todd and I got to spend more time than usual together!!! SCORE! 
I had the day off and Todd invited me to go on his tour today, which I've been dying to do by the way.
 I went with him the other day when he just took a group to go whale watching, but he didn't get to give the tour, he only drove. He gave a safety briefing that day, and that alone was so good! So it was such a treat to get to come along and hear him give a full on tour today. 
I've heard bits and pieces of his tour material from him, but it was cool hearing it all together in tour form. He tied everything together so perfectly, without one awkward pause! He is so charming. He probably wouldn't want me disclosing how much he makes in tips, but it's not surprising that he makes as much as he does :).
Anyway, I just had to get some video to share with you part of his tour.

He's so funny :) At least I thought so... the people on his tour were kind of a tough crowd, but at least I loved his jokes :)
Today also made me realize that I'm so lucky to NOT be doing the same thing as Todd. While it would be amaaaazing to work together, at the same time... I just know I would be awful at the whole tour giving part... like talking. I'm just not as sociable as Todd, it's just a fact. And it is also part of why I love him so much. So anyway, Todd would be coming home with bookoo tips, and I'd be coming home with... a frown. Then I would feel like a loser. Haha. Anyway, I feel very fortunate to have ended up with the job that I did. And very fortunate to have such an amazing, outgoing, bread winning, charismatic husband :).
So the tour we went on today was the Glacier Explorer, which is just a ride out to the Mendenhall Glacier, and two hours at the glacier, then a ride back. This is the glacier Todd and I had already gone to together, but it was cool to get to go inside the visitor's center (for free!) and check out everything in there... we got to touch glacier ice! Wahoo

Just a little tid bit I learned on the tour today ;)... The intense pressure of all the snow forms this kind of crystalized ice. The crystals form in such a way that they absorb all colors of the spectrum except for blue, which is reflected back. That's why glacial ice is so blue. It doesn't look that blue in the picture above because it's such a close up, but the pic below is a good example of how it looks so blue.

 We also found this little pond with a gorgeous view.

 It's sooo green everywhere... LOVE it!

And of course had to get a pic with the amazing husband!
 Pictures of him and with him are probably my favorite thing evarrrr :)

Alaskaaa PREVIEW

So I don't know if any of you have ever seen the proposal, but it's a pretty hilarious movie, not to mention, very quotable. After deciding to move to Alaska, a particular part of the movie became a favorite for Todd and I to quote. Now that we're far away, a lot of the time we'll just type it like this, "Alaskaaaa." Anyway, we thought it would be appropriate to share with all of you a small clip from this excellent movie :)

So that's the video :) Sorry it's kind of chopped off, I don't know how to fix that. 
Updates on Alaska will come soon!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Side Note

Hello one and all! So some of my new family (mom and sister in law, Stacy and Summer) recently started blogs, and have inspired me to start up this blogging thing again. I started this blog last summer, and then got busy. I actually stopped posting around the time that Toddy and I started dating. I guess I found a better way to spend my time :)

I was looking at my last post, which was ironically exactly one month before Todd and I started dating! I just wanted to add a funny little side note to my description of that weekend. So Todd and I had been hanging out as friends a lot during that summer, and I had the HUGEST crush on him. We were both planning on going to this tournament for a while, and I was super excited to say the least. I so badly just wanted something magical to all of the sudden happen that weekend.... Like he would out of the blue confess his love for me and make me his girlfriend. Then we got there, and nothing of the sort ensued. I specifically remember all of us going in the hot tub at our hotel and being so disappointed he didn't sit next to me... so I just talked to Debi and Sam the whole time (haha). And then, I saw a glimpse of magic! During the duck game, I sat on the bed (pull out bed, was a couch) next to him, and he put his arm on the headboard ALMOST like his arm was around ME. I was giddy inside. 
Then of course, nothing followed. So anyway, this is the pic of us watching the duck game that I mention in the other post. Also something funny about the last post, it's mostly about the pictures. So if you scroll through the pictures, you'll see that I took a bunch of pictures with everyone, and then I took one with Todd last. That's basically the order it went down too... You see, I desperately wanted a picture with him, but I didn't have the guts just to go over there and take a pic with him, so I devised a plan. I went around and took pictures with everyone else, and then he would just think I wanted pictures with everyone on the team. I thought it was genius. I told Todd about it later, and he told me while I was doing that he was thinking, "Aw :( Why doesn't she want a picture with me?" Hahaha! Makes me laugh...

It's crazy to look back and think about the times when I thought he would never like me. I never even fathomed the idea that one day he could be in love with me :). It blows my mind, and makes me soooo happy that dreams do actually come true. Sometimes it feels like I'm in a fairytale.

Well, that ended up being an über long "little" side-note. That's just what happens when my prince works until 9 :/. More posts to come about Alaskaaaaa. I'll try to get the hubs to write here every once in a while too.